Are you attending #SHRM21 in Las Vegas this week? Stop by the Workplace Innovation Zone in the Expo Hall and say hi! Also, be on the lookout for our Founder and CEO, Harley Blakeman, who is attending as one of the powerful SHRM Influencers!
Now More Than Ever #SHRMNMTE Can't wait to see you there!
Did you know? The Society for Human Resource Management (aka SHRM) offers a free Getting Talent Back to Work certificate. This 10 hour, interactive program provides the knowledge and tools needed to attract, hire, and retain people with criminal records. The entire Honest Jobs business team is certified, and we encourage all of our fair-chance employment partners to participate as well! You do not need to be a SHRM member or hold a SHRM credential to be certified, but if you are, you can earn 10 professional development credits toward your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification. Click here to learn more!